Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ephesians 6:1-3 We Are Still Children

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother,' which is the first commandment with promise: 'that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.'" Ephesians 6:1-3

When should we stop honoring our parents? Will we ever grow older than they are? Whether they are still living or they are sleeping in death, God calls us to honor our parents, respect them, and listen to them. I've always been the kind of person/child that had to understand why I was doing something, it had to make sense. Over the years that attitude has caused me to disrespect my parents wishes, not honoring them as I should. I am sorry for that, God. I'm asking You to forgive me; I'm asking you to help me honor my father and mother until the day that I die. Amen And I mean that, with all my heart.

It's interesting that this is the first commandment with a promise. Funny how we invest so much into this life (me included), hoping for a long and prosperous life, all the while ignoring the first command of God which promises that long-well life we are hoping for. Could it be that simple?

Grace, MB


LORI said...

I Think it is that simple. But in reality it's not a simple task, ecspecially if you have non christian parents. It is a conscience decision to obey and honor them. Like myself growing up, I was a child going to church by myself learning the word but had to obey my parents who if I spoke of the word was punished and forbided to go back. This was a struggle and I pray that I do have long life even though there were times I was disrespectful. I have been forgiven. Just think of all the none believers and their children and how many just do what they want, do horrible things and are very disrespectful or even leave their parents. Not even realizing what they are doing to their own life. Thinking to theirselves, "I'll show you..." but instead making their own future short and troublesome.

I'm glad you brought that up Matt. I had forgotten that there was a promise hooked onto that commandment. I like promises.


Matt Brungard said...

I like promises too. You're right, we are forgiven, now let's go and do the right thing. Lori, your thoughts are such a nice compliment to what I write, they have a way of bringing color to whats written. Thanks, MB