Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Romans 14:1-23 What are you wearing?

Romans 14:1-5 This past Sunday morning I was putting on my typical loud shirt and shorts and the 14th chapter of Romans came to my mind. My thought was, am I going to offend anyone who is "weak in the faith" because of what I am wearing? Am I convinced in my own mind that what I'm wearing is ok to wear to church? Before you start laughing remember I'm 40 and I came out of the conservative Church of God era, or at least the tail end of it. I remember quite vividly an older gentlemen in our church confronting me about my attire, saying "we should give God our best on Sunday, and that includes our clothes". I'm well aware how ridiculous that sounds to some of you that have shorts and T-shirts that cost more than a suit and tie. I must however respect that elder who came from that mind boggling up bringing. I know God doesn't care what we wear on the outside, it's about our heart attitude on the inside. The question still remains, am I grieving my brother (v 15), am I putting a stumbling block (v 15) in front of a weaker brother (v 1), and am I walking in love toward my brother (v 15)? (Brother includes sister) What do you think?

Romans 14:12 We shall all stand before God someday and give an account of ourselves. Quit looking at others with judgment and start seeing people as God sees them - a child in need of a Savior. Better yet, quit worrying about the splinter in your brothers eye, and get the log out of your own (Matthew 7:3). Humility. Seems like this concept keeps resurfacing through out this book. Do you think humility is important to the christian faith? I know one thing: humbleness is the cure for the sick judgmental church.

Grace, MB

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