Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Romans 13:1-14 Politics?

I know we shouldn't talk politics, but how can you avoid this one?

Romans 13:1 Do you believe every ruler and authority in the entire world is appointed by God?

Romans 13:2 Are there limits to the obedience we should show our rulers and authorities?

Romans 13:6-7 Taxes? I really don't want to go here, however I must admit, I feel we are over taxed and I'm not really happy with where my tax money goes at times. However, I do believe we should pay taxes at this point because it is the law. When Jesus said "give to Ceaser what is Ceasers" I'm sure there was foul play in the government at that time too, and Jesus knew it. None the less His words still ring true today. There is a limit of course and Jesus met that limit at the temple when He overturned the tables of the money changers and released the animals being sold for sacrifices. Matthew 21:13 Why? In this case it was because they had turned His Father's House into a den of thieves, taking advantage of the people in the name of religion. In other instances of resistance Peter and John decided to follow God instead of denying Him, see Acts 4:5-6, 18-20. And Daniel broke a decree by the king by praying to God 3 times daily, see Daniel 6:4-16. These examples seem to bring into question Paul's commands to obey our authorities, however when looked at closely both cases involve evil men with intentions to unjustly destroy men of God. Jesus and Paul make it very clear that we are to seek peace whenever possible, in other words almost always.

Romans 13:9 Here's the bottem line: "love your neighbor as yourself." Where in the world to we get the strength to do that? Verse 14, "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." What does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ?

Grace, MB

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