Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How do you know that you are saved?

I recently had this question posed to me by my uncle. When Ted asks me questions like this I know somethings up. There's something he wants me to see. Ever had that experience? You just know that person is up to something, why would they ask that question? What are they up to? So before I tell you the rest of the story, let me give you some time to answer that question and post a comment or email. There's no right or wrong answer, and no need to write a book. Thanks for your time, have an awesome day with the Lord.

How do you know your saved? or How do you know you are a child of God?

Grace, MB


LORI said...

Well, I would say, it has to do with Faith...You just have to believe it. Me personally, I know it because as I have mentioned before..God has done things in my life to care for me, guide me. I have a peace in my soul, knowing that The Lord is on my side. I can tell he is working in my life. Its hard to explain. But you have to have Faith. Because without that there's nothing. You can feel a difference in your life. I felt a pysical difference when the lady who lead me to the Lord laid her hands on me. Like the Holy Spirit shot from her body into mine. I have felt the Holy Spirit do that to my own body in reference to someone else. So, that is one way how I know that I am saved. You know, that you know, that you


Matt Brungard said...

I believe what you're saying. You experience God in different ways when you give your life to Him. What about the young believer who hasn't experienced the spiritual presence or maybe on any given day just doesn't feel the presence of the Holy Spirit? Is he saved at that moment or not? What if someone were questioning their faith and they came to you for advice, asking "how do I know I am saved?" Would "you just have to have faith" be enough to assure them of their salvation? Just pondering. I appreciate your answer, thanks Lori.