Saturday, August 23, 2008

Galatians 4: 1-31

Since September of 2006, Amy and I have had our eyes opened to a life we never knew existed. We began our relationships with homeless children; children with nowhere to go, vulnerable and confused. Later we found out that their parents also lacked that secure family, and the cycle continued. I can't fathom it, I can't comprehend it, a life without a family. What would it be like to grow up as a foster child? To never truly be a son or daughter to anyone? Galatians 4:4-5 says, "..., God sent forth His Son,...that we might receive the adoption as sons." Christ makes it possible, if we never have an earthly dad or mom, we will never be orphans. We are adopted through faith into the family of God.

We are sons and daughters of our heavenly Father who has "known us". (v 9) Romans 12:3 says that God gives us a measure of faith. And John reminds us that "no one comes to the Father unless the Father draws him" (6:44). I highlight these passages because many people who are hungry for a relationship with their creator are confused. They are searching for God as if He's hidden from us and we need to find Him. People are looking for enlightenment and they are looking in all the wrong places. It's not within us, it's not within some other person, and it's not in any inanimate object or possession. God is not hiding, He's right before us if we would just open our eyes. He is passionate about us and has placed a God-shaped vacuum in each one of us. Listen for Him at this very moment, give your heart to Him. Follow Him. Through His son Jesus Christ we can join the only family that really matters for eternity.

Grace, MB

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