Saturday, April 25, 2009

Are you a debtor?

Romans 1:14 "I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to unwise."

It's nice not to owe anyone anything, isn't it? To be debt-free is for many a passion, their sole desire, top on the list of things "to do". It is a good feeling when we are debt-free, I can relate. Here's something ironic - we are never debt-free. Think about it. We are always going to owe the Man who died for each one of us our life. How can you repay God for that sacrifice without also dying yourself? Paul especially had reason to be in debt to God.

1Co 15:9 "For I am the least of all the apostles---I do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted God's church." (GNB)

Seriously, of all people, who could be worse? Paul kills 1000's of people in the name of Judaism, his religion. He was working for the enemy, at odds with God, for years. And Paul was very zealous for his beliefs. He was sure he was right, so much so he watched the crowds stone Stephen to death, while he held Stephen's clothes. Bad enough a stoning, but to get pummeled while naked, how could you watch? But what does Paul eventually realize?

1Co 15:10 "But by God's grace I am what I am, and the grace that he gave me was not without effect. On the contrary, I have worked harder than any of the other apostles, although it was not really my own doing, but God's grace working with me." (GNB)

What motivates you to do what you do? Is it your past? Is it what you find yourself in now? Your kids? Your friends? Your family? I am so pumped I can barely keep this to myself, so I'll share something with you. I am realizing ever so slowly, by reading Paul's writings, that God not only has a plan for the believers (His Church/the Body of Christ), but for the whole world. Christ died on the cross for your sin and mine. That's for the whole world, not just the US of A. And these sins have been wiped out forever. He was emtombed and 3 days later He rose from the dead. (1 Cor 15:3-4) He's alive today, and He's the only one who has risen and stayed that way out of all the people who ever lived. This is so unique it's crazy. To get this salvation, acquire immortality, and reign with Christ all you have to do is receive this gift. Believe it! Now I've been given the greatest gift anyone could ever give, I can say with Paul I am a debtor to anyone God puts in my path. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe..." Romans 1:16

Grace, MB


LORI said...

YOUR RIGHT..we are in debt to him forever..and the least we can do is tell people what he has done for us.
Being humbled for what he has done is what motivates one else would do what he has done for me. Never failing, always right. Loving me beyond comprehension. Being my comforter, my leader, my teacher, my protector, my father, my friend, my savior. For knowing me better than anyone ever could. For taking joy in being myself and for letting me be just that. For giving me happiness and a promising future. For being intersted in my desires. For touching my soul and stiring my heart. For being geniunely in a relationship with me. I am eternally in debt. " If I could sing forever, its not enough"

Matt Brungard said...

"If I could sing forever, it's not enough", from "You gave your life away", sweet. There's more to this "being a debtor" than I can put my finger on. It's rich, it's deep, it's a pearl of great price. What is it? My eyes are darkened to this mystery, but someday I will see it. Good comments Lori.

LORI said...

Thanks Matt. You know earlier You talked about being debt free...we are, in debt to all, to share the gospel BUT we are free...this debt is not painful, and the more you have of it, it brings peace into your life. So its like paying off...damnation.. I dont like how he phrases it as debt. It sounds negative. This debt is Empowering. Fullfilling, Knowledgable. This debt feels good.