Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dispensationalism is the same word as Administrationalism. It simply means there are different periods of time in the bible where our understanding of God and His operations make a major shift. A simple chart would be divided like this: The dispensation of Law (Old Testament), The dispensation of Grace (Jesus Christ and the cross), and The dispensation of The Kingdom of God (Christ's literal 1000 year reign on earth). I was not taught dispensationalism growing up because our church teaches that scripture is more symbolic. Traditionally the Church of God is Amillennial, meaning there is no literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth. Whether you're amillennial or pre-millennial, Christ is coming back for His church, and we don't know the day nor the hour.

What's so cool about my church is that we are a melting pot of beliefs, all worshipping together, loving each other despite our differences, and agreeing at times to disagree. I happen to believe the literal interpretation of the bible, so you could call me a dispensationalist, pre-tribulationalist, and a pre-millennialist. I know, these words are ridiculous. But what this means in a nutshell is that I believe the whole bible was written for me, I can learn from all of it. However I do not believe all of scripture directly applies to me. I believe Paul's message directly applies to me and all non-Jewish people. I believe Christ is coming back for me along with the rest of the Gentile Christians at the rapture, which will be followed by a tribulation period (duration of the period is unsure), and finally I believe Christ is coming back to set up a literal kingdom here on earth for the nation of Israel. After 1000 years (millennium) we will have the Great White Throne judgment followed by the last events recorded in scripture, the consummation where death is abolished (1 Cor 15). That's it in a nutshell, to get into details would take a book. What's interesting is that 5 years ago I didn't believe this way, and 5 years before that I believed something very different. I believe this change in thinking is a good thing, and if it's not happening in your walk with the Lord then maybe you're not asking the right questions. Remember that the message of Jesus Christ never changes.

1Co 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4 and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures; (RV)

File:Millennial views.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (For further study of Dispensationalism)

Grace, MB

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