Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Don't lose hope!

(RV) Though he slay me, yet will I wait for him: nevertheless I will maintain my ways before him. Job 13:15

(RV) For which cause I suffer also these things: yet I am not ashamed; for I know him whom I have believed,... 2 Tim 1:12

"An old seaman once said, 'In fierce storms we must do one thing, for there is only one way to survive; we must put the ship in a certain position and keep her there.' And this, dear Christian, is what you must do.

Sometimes, like Paul, you cannot see the sun or the stars to help you navigate when the storm is bearing down on you. This is when you can do only one thing, for there is only one way. Reason cannot help you, past experience will shed no light, and even prayer will bring no consolation. Only one course remains: you must put your soul in one position and keep it there.

You must anchor yourself steadfastly upon the Lord, firmly holding your confidence in God's faithfulness, His covenant promises, and His everlasting love in Christ Jesus." (Richard Fuller, "Streams in the Desert" p 137)

I sense we are moving into a time in history like none other. I can see as Christians living in America we've had a convenient life, at least my generation. I believe that is about to change. Things will not get easier, they are going to get tougher, and now it's more important than ever to know God's promises. I realize there are good people out there, as well as self-help books and classes that promise to get you through, but when times get really difficult they will be like anchoring to a floating log. God's Word is steadfast and immovable, because He can't lie, and they will never change. God's word will be the only anchor our soul has, and friend let me tell you, it's enough.

Grace, MB


LORI said...

YOU ARE SO RIGHT MATT. I came upon this realization one day. I was upset, mad, worried, frustrated, crying while driving down the road. Wallowing in my dark mind and hopelessness screaming WHY! I just keep on crying while I was driving. I can't even remember why(thank God) but in the midst of all that caios and hell, I realized that for the last few minutes while driving, there were no more tears and I was unconciously humming a Prais Song. I became slowly more aware of what I was doing and was astonsished. God or Jesus was right there with me, going through it all with me, I wasn't alone, and he knew my pain, and he soothed me. With the words that I had always known, but now have a clearer understanding of what he really means, when he says something. He WILL take care of you, and he LOVES us so much. If you only TRUST him to lead your life. YOu cant go wrong.

Matt Brungard said...

Boy, I applaud you. It sure is easier said than done. You did it, in the midst of the choas and darkness you felt the peace of God which passes all understanding. That's truly experiencing God; there's nothing more powerful than that.