Saturday, January 3, 2009

Colossians 4:2-4 Why pray?

Colossians 4:2-4 "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak." (NKJV)

I struggle with prayer, I'm going to be honest. I see the value of it at times, but also see how fruitless it can be. If God knows what you are going to say before you say it, why say it? Matthew 6:8 "Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him." (NKJV)

Well here we have a complete contradiction to my human perspective. This is why I cannot trust my mind and it's reasoning's, and neither can you trust your's. Paul says "continue earnestly in prayer, be vigilant in it..." The word for vigilant in Greek is "gregoreuo", it means to stay awake, be watchful. The Holy Spirit is saying through Paul you better not fall asleep on the prayer watch, don't you dare. Could prayer be that important? Whether I understand it now or not we are told here and many other places to continue in prayer steadfastly, and I like how "with thanksgiving" is added. Sometimes we need to do something even though we don't understand why. Someday we will.

Grace, MB


LORI said...

I feel the same way about prayer sometimes. I don't like to keep talking or thinking about the negative, bad, or sad things that I am praying about. It brings me down. It's kinda the same way, when people ask you how are you doing? You say OK even though your not. I like to mentioned it once to God and then I think, like you said, he knows what we want and what is wrong. So why do I have to keep praying about it?

I think the important thing here that you mentioned is that we need to pray in thanksgiving.. that is what you need to focus on and focus on the way you want thing(as Pastor Alan preached). I find my self slipping and I will realize, I haven't talked to God(prayed) in like four days. It's just like your best friend. If you don't call them in a whole month, you don't feel close and you lose touch. I feel the reason for prayer is to stay close and in touch with God. He is your friend. He wants to hear from you and you are focused on him the more you talk to him. Not because you have to tell him what you need or he doesn't know what's going on. It's because we have a relationship. And relationships don't last if it is only one sided. If God fixed your life all the time, but you ignored him. That's not right. That's why you keep in touch, like a friend, prayer(talking to him) lifts you up, encourages you, gives you a shoulder, gives you advice. He's your friend, family, and God. And he loves you cares for you and wants to hear from you.

That's why we should pray


Matt Brungard said...

I like what you are saying.Let me see if I understand what you are saying. Prayer to God is important for keeping communication lines open, thereby strengthening the relationship much like people draw closer when they keep in touch. On the other hand asking God for something you desire is different. Once is enough in this case. So there are different kinds of prayers, some should be offered all the time and some very infrequently. Is that sorta what you meant?

LORI said...

Not exactly Matt. What I mean, is God knows what is wrong and what you want so you don't have to pray over and over again about the same thing. I find that thinking about the negative thing that is bothering you all the time, brings you down. So if it does bring you down, quit thinking about it and give it to God. But do pray often praising him, telling him how you trust him and thanking him for the things that make you happy and show him your faith by praying. Yes, I believe It keeps the lines of comunication open and strenthings the relationship. And because of your faithfulnesss and closeness of relationship he will therefore pay more attention to your desires or problems. Does that make sense...maybe I'm way off.

But then that means what do those prayer warriors pray about? I don't know...I could be wrong. But I feel better not harping about it...and trusting God to work in my life.
