Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ephesians 6:5-8 Are You a Bondservant?

Ephesians 6:5-8 is addressed to bondservants. In the past I've always skimmed through these 3 verses, not giving much attention to them because they were written for slaves. Not the kind of slaves we think of, held against their will, but the bondservants of old who volunteered to work under different circumstances. As I read it today the thought occurred to me, "What if we saw ourselves as bondservants all the time?"

How do you see yourself, humbly or proud? Do you see yourself as better than or less than or equal to those around you? Is there jealousy? Are you angry with anyone now because they are succeeding and you are struggling? Are you mad at your boss? Ticked off at Bush? Wishing McCain was MIA or Obama was exposed for who he is? These kinds of thoughts were most likely the very thoughts bondservants of old had toward their masters. These thoughts manifest on a daily basis with us if we're honest with ourselves. What would the world be like if people listened to God's advice for the bondservant?

"Be obedient to your masters(those in authority over you), with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as brown nosers, but like Christ were your master, doing what He wants you to do from your heart, with goodwill, like you were doing it for God, not for a man or woman. Knowing that whatever good you do for someone else, it will be returned to you from God."

Grace, MB


LORI said...

I feel like it is easy to be obedient to God. For he will do you no harm and wants the best for you and has plans to prosper you. I know you get tempted by things but in general, the idea of being slaved by God is not that bad.
I feel like a slave to my job. No matter what treatment you have to put up with it. You could move but then your a slave to someone else who has their own interst in mind not mine.
I am always happy and joyful to see someone succeeding. I get angry when I have to work with liars and condisending people when my heart is in everything I do at my job.
I found out that humming hymns helps with these thoughts that may creep in and sway you from a change of attitude and keeps you in a holy place. And then venting to God on the way to bed will fix everything.
I don't think it is possible for someone to be humble and sincere serving an earthly Master all the time. Unless you truly have someone who has your best interest in mind.

Thanks Lord for bring these verses to me through your vessel Matt. I think I'm recieving a calling to own my own business. LOL. No for real. Amen.

P.S. thanks for all the compliments Matt...Are we the only ones bible studying? I feel like I'm always monopolizing the conversation..

Matt Brungard said...

No, we're not the only ones, others just don't make comments. I'm just thankful that we have this technology and can support each other throughout the week until we come together on Sundays. Seeing you and Scott at church lifts me up, hope you both are doing well. Yesterday the question was asked by the young people, "how do you know whether you are with the right person in relationship?" There was a great answer I must share..."if that person draws you closer to God, not further away, you are with the right person." Great advice, I know that to be true in my life. Thanks for your complements by the way, have an awesome day.