Sunday, June 22, 2008

Romans 15: 1-33 We all bleed red!

Romans 15:27 Paul here gives a quick reminder of our debt to the Jewish nation, God's chosen. For we "have been partakers of their spiritual things", and so we should feel a sense of indebtedness to them. I have to admit I haven't felt that way, probably because I wasn't taught to have that sense of gratitude in the churches I have attended. I'm beginning to understand the historical significance of Israel now, partly because I'm working with Sandy, a women with so much knowledge about the Jews. Sandy has a passion for Jeruselem and she can't wait to get back. She is studying Hebrew now and I often wonder why she is going to all the trouble and why she wants to be there so desperately. I guess it's because that's where it all started and where it'll all end. Think about it, if you loved Civil War stuff, wouldn't you want to go to Gettysburgh? Can you imagine walking in the Garden of Gesthemene or hiking up Mt Calvary?

Romans 15:5-7 "Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Here lies the central point Paul was passionate about. Can't we all just get along? Can't you see the big picture here? Paul was all about one body and the unity of that body. If Paul lived in the 60's he would of been standing right next to Martin Luther King for sure. Let's knock down the walls of segregation in our life and learn to see people as God sees them. Let's be "like-minded" and quit looking at the colors and outward appearances that may be different and celebrate the fact that God created each one of us to be different yet special in His sight.

Grace, MB

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