Romans 16:1-16 It is evident the Paul loved people. He didn't want to leave anyone out and made it a point to be gender balanced, not biased. One thing I appreciate about our church in New Springfied is its balance of men and women filling roles in the church. We all are necessary, we all are a functioning part of the whole, the body of Christ.
Romans 16:16-20 We're friendly at our church, some would say a little excessive, but I've never seen anyone greeted with a "holy kiss". You've heard the anacranym used for kiss - keep it simple stupid. Well Paul must of as well. Verse 19, "I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. (the CLNT uses "artless for evil") To art means to meddle, in other words, don't be meddling in evil things. Remember Scoobie Doo and the gang, always meddling enough to catch the bad guy. When it comes to Satan, don't meddle, let the God of peace crush him under your feet (verse 20). Sounds like an oxymoran, the "God of peace" will "crush Satan". Oh the mysterious nature of God and His perfect character. I love that about Him. We've seen it before, God's mercy ends where evil begins, especially when the evil is corrupting the body of Christ, His bride (verse 17).
Romans 16:25 My plan now that we've finished Romans is to move on to Paul's first writing - Galations. Here we will talk more about this mystery, the secret kept hidden since the world began, given privately to Paul.
Grace, MB
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Romans 15: 1-33 We all bleed red!
Romans 15:27 Paul here gives a quick reminder of our debt to the Jewish nation, God's chosen. For we "have been partakers of their spiritual things", and so we should feel a sense of indebtedness to them. I have to admit I haven't felt that way, probably because I wasn't taught to have that sense of gratitude in the churches I have attended. I'm beginning to understand the historical significance of Israel now, partly because I'm working with Sandy, a women with so much knowledge about the Jews. Sandy has a passion for Jeruselem and she can't wait to get back. She is studying Hebrew now and I often wonder why she is going to all the trouble and why she wants to be there so desperately. I guess it's because that's where it all started and where it'll all end. Think about it, if you loved Civil War stuff, wouldn't you want to go to Gettysburgh? Can you imagine walking in the Garden of Gesthemene or hiking up Mt Calvary?
Romans 15:5-7 "Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Here lies the central point Paul was passionate about. Can't we all just get along? Can't you see the big picture here? Paul was all about one body and the unity of that body. If Paul lived in the 60's he would of been standing right next to Martin Luther King for sure. Let's knock down the walls of segregation in our life and learn to see people as God sees them. Let's be "like-minded" and quit looking at the colors and outward appearances that may be different and celebrate the fact that God created each one of us to be different yet special in His sight.
Grace, MB
Romans 15:5-7 "Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Here lies the central point Paul was passionate about. Can't we all just get along? Can't you see the big picture here? Paul was all about one body and the unity of that body. If Paul lived in the 60's he would of been standing right next to Martin Luther King for sure. Let's knock down the walls of segregation in our life and learn to see people as God sees them. Let's be "like-minded" and quit looking at the colors and outward appearances that may be different and celebrate the fact that God created each one of us to be different yet special in His sight.
Grace, MB
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Romans 14:1-23 What are you wearing?
Romans 14:1-5 This past Sunday morning I was putting on my typical loud shirt and shorts and the 14th chapter of Romans came to my mind. My thought was, am I going to offend anyone who is "weak in the faith" because of what I am wearing? Am I convinced in my own mind that what I'm wearing is ok to wear to church? Before you start laughing remember I'm 40 and I came out of the conservative Church of God era, or at least the tail end of it. I remember quite vividly an older gentlemen in our church confronting me about my attire, saying "we should give God our best on Sunday, and that includes our clothes". I'm well aware how ridiculous that sounds to some of you that have shorts and T-shirts that cost more than a suit and tie. I must however respect that elder who came from that mind boggling up bringing. I know God doesn't care what we wear on the outside, it's about our heart attitude on the inside. The question still remains, am I grieving my brother (v 15), am I putting a stumbling block (v 15) in front of a weaker brother (v 1), and am I walking in love toward my brother (v 15)? (Brother includes sister) What do you think?
Romans 14:12 We shall all stand before God someday and give an account of ourselves. Quit looking at others with judgment and start seeing people as God sees them - a child in need of a Savior. Better yet, quit worrying about the splinter in your brothers eye, and get the log out of your own (Matthew 7:3). Humility. Seems like this concept keeps resurfacing through out this book. Do you think humility is important to the christian faith? I know one thing: humbleness is the cure for the sick judgmental church.
Grace, MB
Romans 14:12 We shall all stand before God someday and give an account of ourselves. Quit looking at others with judgment and start seeing people as God sees them - a child in need of a Savior. Better yet, quit worrying about the splinter in your brothers eye, and get the log out of your own (Matthew 7:3). Humility. Seems like this concept keeps resurfacing through out this book. Do you think humility is important to the christian faith? I know one thing: humbleness is the cure for the sick judgmental church.
Grace, MB
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Romans 13:1-14 Politics?
I know we shouldn't talk politics, but how can you avoid this one?
Romans 13:1 Do you believe every ruler and authority in the entire world is appointed by God?
Romans 13:2 Are there limits to the obedience we should show our rulers and authorities?
Romans 13:6-7 Taxes? I really don't want to go here, however I must admit, I feel we are over taxed and I'm not really happy with where my tax money goes at times. However, I do believe we should pay taxes at this point because it is the law. When Jesus said "give to Ceaser what is Ceasers" I'm sure there was foul play in the government at that time too, and Jesus knew it. None the less His words still ring true today. There is a limit of course and Jesus met that limit at the temple when He overturned the tables of the money changers and released the animals being sold for sacrifices. Matthew 21:13 Why? In this case it was because they had turned His Father's House into a den of thieves, taking advantage of the people in the name of religion. In other instances of resistance Peter and John decided to follow God instead of denying Him, see Acts 4:5-6, 18-20. And Daniel broke a decree by the king by praying to God 3 times daily, see Daniel 6:4-16. These examples seem to bring into question Paul's commands to obey our authorities, however when looked at closely both cases involve evil men with intentions to unjustly destroy men of God. Jesus and Paul make it very clear that we are to seek peace whenever possible, in other words almost always.
Romans 13:9 Here's the bottem line: "love your neighbor as yourself." Where in the world to we get the strength to do that? Verse 14, "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." What does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ?
Grace, MB
Romans 13:1 Do you believe every ruler and authority in the entire world is appointed by God?
Romans 13:2 Are there limits to the obedience we should show our rulers and authorities?
Romans 13:6-7 Taxes? I really don't want to go here, however I must admit, I feel we are over taxed and I'm not really happy with where my tax money goes at times. However, I do believe we should pay taxes at this point because it is the law. When Jesus said "give to Ceaser what is Ceasers" I'm sure there was foul play in the government at that time too, and Jesus knew it. None the less His words still ring true today. There is a limit of course and Jesus met that limit at the temple when He overturned the tables of the money changers and released the animals being sold for sacrifices. Matthew 21:13 Why? In this case it was because they had turned His Father's House into a den of thieves, taking advantage of the people in the name of religion. In other instances of resistance Peter and John decided to follow God instead of denying Him, see Acts 4:5-6, 18-20. And Daniel broke a decree by the king by praying to God 3 times daily, see Daniel 6:4-16. These examples seem to bring into question Paul's commands to obey our authorities, however when looked at closely both cases involve evil men with intentions to unjustly destroy men of God. Jesus and Paul make it very clear that we are to seek peace whenever possible, in other words almost always.
Romans 13:9 Here's the bottem line: "love your neighbor as yourself." Where in the world to we get the strength to do that? Verse 14, "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." What does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ?
Grace, MB
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Romans 12:3-21
Romans 12:3 What does this look like practically? First, let's get off our high horse. We have nothing that wasn't given to us and it could be taken away at any moment. We've all seen that sad story over and over, just watch the news or better yet, Entertainment Tonight (ET).
Verse 9 Don't fake it, be sincere. The Message bible says, "love from the center of who you are". That's scary for most of us, but you know what, we're all a work in progress,nobody has arrived. And I'd much rather hang around someone who is real, at least you know what to expect.
Verse 10 The greek word for brotherly love is phileo. To me this is work, I don't always feel like treating my wife, kids, parents, friends, and Joe Schmuck as more important than myself. And believe me, it doesn't always happen. Paul continues to give us the recipe for christian conduct, which has no place for pride, but much humility.
Verses 17-21 In light of our countries current situation in the Middle East, did our country respond biblically to the terrorist attack? What about the country of Iraq? If you were president, what would you do now?
Grace, Matt
Verse 9 Don't fake it, be sincere. The Message bible says, "love from the center of who you are". That's scary for most of us, but you know what, we're all a work in progress,nobody has arrived. And I'd much rather hang around someone who is real, at least you know what to expect.
Verse 10 The greek word for brotherly love is phileo. To me this is work, I don't always feel like treating my wife, kids, parents, friends, and Joe Schmuck as more important than myself. And believe me, it doesn't always happen. Paul continues to give us the recipe for christian conduct, which has no place for pride, but much humility.
Verses 17-21 In light of our countries current situation in the Middle East, did our country respond biblically to the terrorist attack? What about the country of Iraq? If you were president, what would you do now?
Grace, Matt
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Romans 12: 1-2 Got Holy?
Romans 12:1 Paul's speaking(paraphrased) - I've told you all that, to say this. We've talked about our sin (chp 1-3), we've talked about God's love in Jesus Christ, the faith we need in Him to be justified (chp 3-5), that grace that surpasses our understanding (chp 6) , we've talked about God's mercy in grafting us wild branches into the Root, and how the Jews are suffering now for our sakes (chp 11). Take heart, God is the Potter, we are the clay(chp 9). I've said all that to say this: verse 1, "by the mercies(pities) of God, present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." In other words, Jesus take the wheel, act like the child of God you are, not for earning or keeping salvation, but because I love you more than anyone else in this world could ever love you.
Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." In other words, this is how you live it, this is how you stay constantly on track. Don't let the world in any way mold you into its' thinking, get a brain overhaul, see the world through the lens of red, Christ's shed blood for every person you run into. That's Jesus- thinking. Then, and only then, will you be able to make the right choices in sync with God's plan for your life (the "perfect will of God").
Grace, MB
Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." In other words, this is how you live it, this is how you stay constantly on track. Don't let the world in any way mold you into its' thinking, get a brain overhaul, see the world through the lens of red, Christ's shed blood for every person you run into. That's Jesus- thinking. Then, and only then, will you be able to make the right choices in sync with God's plan for your life (the "perfect will of God").
Grace, MB
Monday, June 2, 2008
Romans 11: 1-36
It's too bad our government, in all it's strategizing after 911, didn't first go to Romans 11 to get an answer for the madness that had just happened. Why is there war in the middle east? For the most part, aside from greed, money, etc... it's ultimately God's judgment. Everyone hates Israel, they all have an intense anger for the Jewish people. Why?
Your probably asking what does war have to do with Romans 11? Verse 8 says, "God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see, And ears that they should not hear, To this very day." I believe this whole mess is God's judgment against His people because of unbelief. And that unbelief comes so we (the Gentiles) can be grafted into the root, the root being God. We are the wild branches God is having mercy on, and by His grace we are being grafted into the family of God. (v 17) We are the reason for the war, ultimately it's our fault, not the terrorist.
Verse 29 "The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable". Long ago God made Abraham a part of that calling, He made a covenant with the forefather of the Jews, that He would make a nation, the descendents as numerous as the sand in the sea. As promised God followed through with that convenant, we've seen God bring the Jews through thick and then, saving a remnant to this day, even through their unbelief. God also made a covenant with the Gentiles (prophesied in Isaiah 9:6) that through Jesus, God's Son , we would have an opportunity to restore the fellowship (that was broken in the Garden of Eden) with God. So Paul is saying that until the fullness of the Gentiles, God is going to keep Israel in a spirit of blindness toward Jesus Christ. We have so much to be thankful for. The question is, when is our time up, when is the fullness of the Gentiles?
If Romans 11 still confuses you take heart, Paul says in verse 33, His ways are past finding out.
Grace, MB
Your probably asking what does war have to do with Romans 11? Verse 8 says, "God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see, And ears that they should not hear, To this very day." I believe this whole mess is God's judgment against His people because of unbelief. And that unbelief comes so we (the Gentiles) can be grafted into the root, the root being God. We are the wild branches God is having mercy on, and by His grace we are being grafted into the family of God. (v 17) We are the reason for the war, ultimately it's our fault, not the terrorist.
Verse 29 "The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable". Long ago God made Abraham a part of that calling, He made a covenant with the forefather of the Jews, that He would make a nation, the descendents as numerous as the sand in the sea. As promised God followed through with that convenant, we've seen God bring the Jews through thick and then, saving a remnant to this day, even through their unbelief. God also made a covenant with the Gentiles (prophesied in Isaiah 9:6) that through Jesus, God's Son , we would have an opportunity to restore the fellowship (that was broken in the Garden of Eden) with God. So Paul is saying that until the fullness of the Gentiles, God is going to keep Israel in a spirit of blindness toward Jesus Christ. We have so much to be thankful for. The question is, when is our time up, when is the fullness of the Gentiles?
If Romans 11 still confuses you take heart, Paul says in verse 33, His ways are past finding out.
Grace, MB
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